Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Our True Job & Position

Some may think that what they are doing as a career is their true job and position: WRONG! What we were created for is to worship and glorify God the Father. Now, I may get a whole bunch of backlash for this, but the truth of the matter is that we were not supposed to be toiling for our wages. This was only created after the fall. This is why the jobs and positions we have bring us misery. The only way we are truly happy is we have a position and a job that is our passion. Our true job is to do the things of the Father which is to tell others about His goodness and what He has done to reconcile us to Him. We must know that we were not initially created to be under someone else and helping to finish their dream, but to be under Christ and to help finish what He started. He wants us and He desires to use us to bring back what was already supposed to be.It is okay to have dreams of your own and building to create them. Trust me, I am one of them that have dreams and I know that I will not be under someone else for long. I knew this since growing up. But, I know if I do the true things that I was created to do for the Father, He will make those things happen. He will open doors, and bring people to my path that will allow me to flourish in all that I need to do. We must be there doing the things of God first and foremost. We have to be seeking His face daily and asking what it is that He wants us to do today. The first thing that we should do waking up is communicating with God in order to know what we should do to glorify Him. We tend to get caught up with being busy with the roles that we have, but we need to know that do not ever get too busy for God because He will show you how through some hardships. Keep in mind of what is your true position. Only God can satisfy and end the search. 


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New Year, Bigger Goals

Happy 2016!!!!! This is the first post of this year. I've been asked what are your goals for 2016? One goal that I keep saying in my mind and also saying to them would be debt-free and financially free. Now, you can speak the goals all that you'd like but the truth of the matter is: these goals take some action.  This means if I am going to truly be debt-free, I have to reposition myself to become debt-free. It is not just going to happen overnight but it takes some hard work and to gain knowledge to ensure that debt-free is well on its way. I may not be able to see it right now, but I can see it without it physically being here. Now, that I have said that, some other goals are to keep my word to others and myself. I want to be able to be content with the season that I now live in and to maximize every single opportunity that comes my way. These are some great goals, once again it takes WERK!!!! I want to worry about the things that God has for me and make it my business to be about my Father's business. These are goals that I know will take some self cultivation to break old, bad habits and change into new, good habits. This not only has some good reprecussions but also I will see things unfolding right before my eyes. I want to be bigger and bolder with what to accomplish because success has no excuses. It's either I am going to do something or I will not do it, it's that simple. One of the key things to my success: prayer. If I am not establishing and maintaining my relationship with God then what is the point of all of this? Why am writing this blog? When I say new year, bigger goals, I mean going against the status quo and not worrying about the naysayers. There will be naysayers! Don't think that they will not be there to deter you in accomplishing your goals. Since they are present, it means that you are definitely doing something right. " No struggle, no progress" -Frederick Douglass. This is what we need to keep in mind. If we are struggling, then we are progressing. It may not seem like it but we are only passing through. What you may know today, may not what you know tomorrow. This means that anything can change, and that you have to make your today greater than your yesterday. This is your only competition. I don't have time to be arguing with anyone or to even hold a grudge with anyone. If you don't like me, that's not anything that I have to be so heartbroken over. It is a way of life. I want to just say what are your BIGGER goals for this new year and how will you accomplish them? Think on that and don't stop until they are accomplished.

Sidenote: If they don't get accomplished this year, don't fret because you are closer to reaching those goals. Some goals may take months or years to complete, before accomplishment. Expect the great!

NaturalGoddess <3

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

As we Come to a Close in this Year of 2015

It has been quite a while since I have even posted a blog. Here it is. 2015 has brought some ups and downs to my life, but I will not regret them one bit. We always tend to become excited and saying "2016 is my year" and other cliches. But, life is truly what you make it and you cannot be upset at anyone else's gain or them going to higher heights. You have to believe that your time will come in due season. You cannot sit here in self pity and think that you have nothing going for you. You have to put in the work and while you doing that keep quiet. Do not allow anyone to know that what is going on, they will soon find out enough. I mean I can say that it has been quite something in this year. Everything that I thought would be are still on hold until..... Not sure of that yet. One thing I do is that I am an overcomer. In order to be an overcomer, you have to go through some things to overcome. I am going to say that 2016 is going to be my year but only because the Lord favors me to go above and beyond. He will press me and elevate me to where He needs me to be. I shall become what I will become in Him. It may not look like it now, but it is surely up ahead. You have to work with what you got and maximize the potential. I cannot wait to see what surprises await me. There is still time for this to occur in the last few days that we have left. God has surprised me countless times with someone I can love and care for. Him!!!!!!! I mean it is crazy. I say keep your head and hold fast to the promises of God. It does not matter if they like you or not. It only matters how you view yourself. If you do not believe in God for whatever reason, know that He loves you and cares for you deeply. He wants you to join Him in relationship.


NaturalGoddess <3

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

When Holding on seems to be the Only Thing....

I haven't written in a while. I feel that these days all has been stripped from me. I applied to a few jobs and nothing yet. I mean I haven't got a clue as to what God is doing. But, I know that He's doing SOMETHING. I mean what is it that you want me to be here for? I asked this morning. There must be some purpose. I mean I'm not getting paid enough and it is hard to pay for all that I have to pay for. I am in the stone age right now. I can't tell these things to everyone because some people will speak negativity and you need to remove yourself from my life because I'm not hearing you. Others will just make fun of me while I am down and then others won't care. I keep this to myself and I pray to God knowing that He is ultimately the only one who cares and can bring me out. I read Psalms 17-18; and then chapter 20. It was like revelation all the way through. I mean my God, truly your servant David was dealing with frustration after frustration just like I am facing, but in the end he praised you and acknowledged you as the God who can bring him out of his mess. My goal is to pass the tests that I face with flying colors. I mean I'm human and so I will be frustrated and maybe even cry, but will make it. I refuse to fail. I go to school now and I am happy to attend where I am attending. Most people are like why didn't you attend POST which is closer to me. I actually wanted a different location. I have been in Long Island all of my life and it is time to move on. The desires and aspirations that I have are so beyond what I see right now. My phone is not the same, it has been purged out of some things that I didn't want to be purged. But, I should have written it somewhere else. There are some things that I am working on. But, no matter what it shall come to past. It is all new for me since I am not used to all of this. But, I know that I am in good standing because of the suffering that I now face. It is unfortunate but I am in good hands. I have stressed out and cried, but that just raised my blood pressure I'm sure and have given me plenty of headaches. I know that what I am praying about will come to past and will work in my favor. I am just passing through. All I can do is pray, read the Word, fast and seek God keeping my mind on Him for the perfect peace that He left for me. I miss all of the things that were once familiar to me but I know that I am shifting due to everything being stripped. I don't have all of the luxuries that you may now have, but at least I have what I need. I never go hungry, I can walk to and from work, travel to school, be able to get a great education and just have a great time with God. I can also actually do homework and study. I tell myself that it will get better and see myself in a whole other way than what I see right now. Sod, I am grateful for the trials because they are working on my faith. Don't give up and know the power that you have to overcome and speak the positive in your life if you don't like your current state. Let us be content but not complacent. I don't know how God is going to turn this storm around, but I am glad that He's in control. 

God bless 

NaturalGoddess <3

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When Life Knocks You Down for Only What Seems Longer than a Moment

 It seems that nothing can touch you and that you think you have things under control. You know just what you're going to do and how you're going to do it. Then reality starts setting in. You didn't think so much failure, opposition and rejection would be your portion, but in this moment it is. It hurts so much that the enthusiasm and the high energy you had, just gone in a split second. A moment ago you were happy and then the next you were done. You were done because you had given up. One thing you should know is that those things which caused you to be done and down and out, are the very things that will shape your character. It is good to know you will still praise God while things are all flowery and nice, but the question is can you still praise Him in the midst of hell? Can you praise Him even when you're down to nothing? Can you tell Him your frustrations and give Him your worries and cares? Will you try to take it upon yourself? It's only a moment and that's what you have to remember. I had to tell myself that this trouble that I'm in won't last always. There's a lesson to be learned here. It seems as if it just keeps on repeating itself and nothing is improving. You then think could it be that was the cause of it? That's what you should do during your evaluation first and if not, then you just see and wait what it is that God is trying to tell you and teach you in that season. If it is, then you fix the problem and then things should start to look up. If they don't then it's not your time for your release yet. There's still more for you to learn. There's some growing that you have to do and move forward after when the lesson is learned. Your attitude also is important as well when this sudden change comes upon you. I can say that my attitude certainly was not good when a sudden thing that didn't work out for me at the time that I wanted it, I was upset because I have things to do and what not. This blog is actually inspired by what has happened this week to me. But in the midst of all of this opposition, I have to keep on pressing because God either has something better or it isn't my time. You must ask for His strength and worship Him because that's how you will get through the difficulties that occur your way. I was still upset, but my mind ended up off of it due to my worship and writing in my journal. These are some of the ways that cool myself down when I am facing something difficult. I just looked at an Instagram post that I put up I think 2 weeks ago, no matter what God sees our pain and He's not just off somewhere but He cares about us. Yes, He cares about you. Let's not ask why it is happening but what can I learn from what's happening? Even though, I make mistakes and mess up every day, God still cares and He grants me mercy and grace from moment to moment all the way from hours to hours. So, why not just give Him everything that you are wasting your energy on. I am learning to this even while writing this blog. It is crazy how we may write, but we don't practice that of which we write. But, I am telling you I'm asking God right now to help me to practice that of which I write. I want people to be able to see that I say is what I do. So, when life knocks you down, it is really for a moment but it seems longer because it hurts so badly at the time. But, day by day it will get better and begin to improve. Hold on and look to God who's your strength. I know that's the only way that I'm making it right now. I get upset and frustrated, disappointed just like anyone else, but I give it to God and pray about it. I ask others to pray with me about it too so that I may have people backing me up. These are women of faith and they are prayer warriors. So, just hang in there what may seem long is actually not long. Lean yourself to God for your strength. For His strength is perfect in our weakness.

God bless

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Been A Long Time

It's been a while since I posted. I mean I can't even tell you how much has changed. I believe I didn't tell you but I have graduated, turned 24 and on the brink to ending up into the school of my choice. I have faith to know that all shall be well. It's been rough lately but I can't complain because I am living, breathing and functioning correctly. God has been good more than I can imagine. Even to the point, where business is soon taking off. I am Avon representative and I love what I do. I am just a bit shy when it comes to being in contact with those who I don't know. God is surely breaking the barriers and is helping me to overcome the fears that I have. I am grateful that even in the workplace I can share the opportunity to others of knowing that can exclusively have things that are not in the stores. It's been a long time coming since I have wrote a blog or anything for that matter. A few journal entries have been written here and there in my journals. I have been struggling financially and I am being real, but God is good because we all have struggles for no one is perfect. As this blog has been entitled The Journey of NaturalGoddess it will mean that I will have ups and downs, twists and turns because it's all apart of life. I love what I do which is helping others connecting to something great. I have to be able to keep pressing on. Even though I am at this level now, I know that I won't always be at this level later on. The hard I work, the more benefits I will see. The fruit of my labor will not be in vain. How much you put in is how you will get out. It doesn't matter who is a nay sayer, it matters who's a supporter. I can say that there are more for me than those that are against me. I called this blog been a long time because it is just to update my thoughts and feelings onto the blog. I feel like all is standing still and nothing has progressed but it is okay. I am still pursuing until I reach.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

New Chapter, New Level

I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything. But, it's official I AM NO LONGER A STUDENT AT NASSAU COMMUNITY COLLEGE! You may ask what's in store now? Well, I plan to go to college in the city to obtain my bachelor's and master's degrees. I'm still pending on whether or not I should do my doctorate. This post is in black for a reason: sophistication. I realize that the very things that don't go my way are the very things that weren't meant for me in the first place. God has always seen me through, some way, somehow before it got any worse and even though it hurts or upsets me at the time, I can say that I am grateful to the one who's head of my life. I know that I will go further in life and that I am great. I could have been dead by now, never graduating and growing. Even though friendships,relationships,circumstances may have turned sour they all worked for my good. So, now I am ready for this new chapter of life. I can't say that it won't be easy, but just like I made it through the last one, I know I will make it through this one to come. Kudos and hats off to myself because if no one does it for me then who else will do it?